Mapa Classificação

The Knight's Star

Nome da tribo:The Knight's Star
Número de membros:6
Pontos dos 30 melhores jogadores17.652
Total de pontos:17.652
Média de pontos:2.942
Inimigos derrotados: 423.319 (76.)
» Arquivo de tribo (ligação externa)

Membros da tribo

Nome Posição Pontos Posição global Aldeias
Pernas666 1 9,897 694 3
Dragonfire 2 3,298 1092 1
itisashe 3 2,746 1130 1
costa88 4 1,711 1258 2
Frenkenstein 5 0 2221 0
Tiago24399 6 0 2463 0
Chivalry in the Middle Ages has been closely linked to horseback riding and especially to jousting since its origins in the twelfth century. This connection is reflected in the etymology of the words chivalry, horseman, and other related terms that originate from the Latin word caballarius. The term knight came to be known initially in the Middle Ages as a title lower than that of a titular lord (see fief of haubert), but later in France under the Ancien Régime, which became the designation for the highest rank of the nobility (above the squire). In the late Middle Ages, new methods of warfare began to make the classic knights in armor obsolete, but the titles were retained in many nations.